Title: Lady Victorian
Artist: Moto Naoko
Genre(s): Drama, Gender Bender, Historical, Romance, Shoujo
Length: 20 Volumes (complete)
Summary: This story takes place in Victorian England. Belle is a 16 year-old governess and fresh from the country on her first job. She expected life in London to be marvelous, though her charges are anything but lovely and her client is a miser. To make matters worse, a dead body was found in her trunk and Belle was charged with murdere! But help comes in the form of Lady Ethel and Noel Scott.
Image Coming Soon | Volume 1 — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Side Story 1 — Side Story 2 |
Image Coming Soon | Volume # — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 |
Still update?
hi and thank you very much, is this project still on?
This project is just in hiatus until we can find a translator for it.