Title: Anata e no Tsuki
Artist: Oouchi Natsumi
Genre(s): Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Length: 1 Volumes (complete)
Summary: Collection of 5 one shots:
– Anata e no Tsuki (Moon for You)
Mei’s boyfriend, Hikaru, transferred schools 4 months ago. Now that summer break has started, they can meet again, but circumstances changed and Hikaru has to return earlier than they planned. Mei sends him with a smile, but deep down…
Volume 1 — Story 1 — Story 2 — Story 3 — Story 4 — Story 5 (end) |
Hello im a head of Moonlight no Fansub,
I would ask permission to work this manga in Spanis, Anata e no Tsuki.
i want your reply soon,
Thank you for your hard work on these!:D
Jajajaja, qué guay! Aunque sin duda la ilusión más grande fue que te emocionara a ti! Un beso preciosa! Y un placer compartir “Querido Diario” ¡Te lo has currao!