Can you believe it? I can’t. It’s been 10 years since our old admin Sylvie created this site. I’m proud to have been able to keep it going long after she left. Even after all the problems of the last few years with the site going down a couple of times and thinking we had lost everything. I was having a panic attack at that point because it was taking a few months to get the site back up and running properly. But I’d really like to thank all those staff members who stayed with us through that mess:
Hkgaines (admin)
Raijin (translator/proofreader)
Blue Rose (editor)
MWL (translator)
TSP (translator)
Megmerrai (proofreader)
I’d also like to thank all the past staffers as well as all those groups who did joints with us. There are too many of you to name, but know that I do think about you every time I reread a project that you worked on.
With that I’ll let you get on to the good stuff. For our 10th anniversary we have two completed projects. Yes, I know, you’re thinking it’s about time. Well even if you’re not, I sure am. But we have eight chapters for your reading pleasure. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did. Happy reading and I’ll see you all next month!
12 Months v01 ch07
America v01 ch05 (end)
Mayonaka ni Kiss v02 ch09 (end)
Mayonaka ni Kiss v02 extra- Sayonara Marigold
Nude na Kajitsu Tachi v03 ch10
Pure Gold Aristocrat v02 ch06-07
The Horror Mansion v05 ch04
Happy 10th ANNIVERSARY! That’s HUGE in the scanlation world!!
Happy 10th, everyone! Here’s to many more years of scanlating!
On a more mundane note: thanks for the chapter of Horror Mansion.
You’re welcome!
Happy 10th Anniversary guys, that’s an amazing milestone. I remember when I first started reading shoujo (and scanlations) and your group was one of the big ones around during that time. I’m glad you guys are still around, it seems like you’ve been through a lot. Keep up the great work, and here’s to many more years to you!
Congratulations and happy 10th Anniversary! Will you guys be doing Boku wa Chikyuu to utau? Also, I was wondering how or where I could send you guys a donation, if you guys accept any funding. I am very grateful for you all!
Yes, we will be doing Boku wa Chikyuu to Utaw with Tsuki Scans. As soon as I can get my hands on the first volume I’ll start scanning it. I don’t ask for donations anymore. All that I ask is that you keep leaving comments for us. We really appreciate hearing from all of you.
aw, ok then! that is sincerely sweet. i have turned on a couple of my friends to you guys, you do great work. i do have the first volume (in japanese) if you’d like me to scan it cleanly for you! I also have the premium fanbook that came with it, which has a (10 pg) chapter by hiwatarai sensei about some moon-base drama herself, if you’d like that as well. but if you guys would like to of course acquire this on your own time that’s fine, i don’t mean to come off as pushy at all, i just thought it could save you some effort.
Thanks for the offer, but I’ve already ordered the first volume. However, I wouldn’t mind if you’d send us the 10 page chapter that was in the fan book. That would be really awesome!
perfect, i can get that in to you guys by tonight. what email shall i send it to? or i could just upload an album and place it on here!
thanks again for all of your hard work on everything.
You can send it to Thank you!
Thank you for continuing to choose and work on such lovely projects.
Happy 10th Anniversary!! All the best to the team and thank you for all of your work!
Wishes of many many more years!
Obrigado Adilson! minha intenção é ajudar na conscientização deste ponto tão importante…